Wow. I can't believe it's been over a year since I last blogged. It seems like an entire lifetime. I don't think I'll bother playing catch up here, but I guess I can highlight a few things that have happened in the past 18 or so months.
- Jon and I are still together...haven't killed each other yet.
- I got an apartment. It's absolutely adorable and I love living by myself.
- I got a new job. I work at the paper, and I get quite a bit of satisfaction out of all the stuff that I do there. I feel like a grown-up.
- I got a puppy. He's a yorkie named Pepper and he's almost 10 months old now. I don't know what I would do without him. He keeps me humble, and he's the best snuggler in the world! He has several shirts, and I just spent $50 on two new sweaters, a snowsuit (with pants!) and a set of boots for him. Yes, I am that kind of dog owner.
- I pierced my nose. It's pretty sweet. I've wanted to do it for a really long time, and I don't regret it at all.
- I spent 2 weeks in the hospital over the summer because of my Crohn's. It sucked. The recap is on facebook if you wanna read it. As usual, I've gone into loads of gory detail, and got all emotional, so fair warning.
- I went back to school. MO State this time, since I refuse to go back to DU. I guess I'm still a bio major, but I don't really think I want to stick with it anymore. I just really want to graduate as soon as possible so I can get on with my life.
- Jon joined in on my family's trip to Vegas in September. We went to go see my brother get married. It's the first non-debate travel I've done in a really long time, and I got to see my dad's side of the family all together again...weird!
- I'm losing my hair. It may be the medication, or the stress of being so sick for so long, but I currently have less than 1/3 the hair I had six months ago. It's terrifying.
- I got a laptop. It's incredible. That is all.
I guess that's pretty much it. It seems kinda weird to just sum up the last year and a half in just a few bullet points, but whatever. It felt pretty damn good to see what all I've been through. Kinda makes me feel like I actually achieved something. Hey, let me have this moment.
I don't really know what I intend to do with this blog. I guess I'll just stop in every now and then (when I should probably be studying) to document some of the awesome that is my life.